Levels of Connection Overview
Everyone can do something...
As You Find More People with Your Variant, ConnectMyVariant Can Offer More
Everyone who signs up for ConnectMyVariant can make a difference in disease prevention. If you think that you have told all of your relatives, go to level one.
Potential services fall roughly into four levels, starting with opportunities for a network with only one member. As new people who share the same variant join, the network can move into the next level. Each person can then take more actions in addition to continuing the work they’re already doing from previous levels.
A network of people who share your genetic mutation can provide emotional support and help find others who would benefit from testing. Networks also make it possible for researchers to fill gaps in family trees and even conduct medical studies that could help your relatives make decisions about disease prevention plans.
The larger the network, the easier these jobs are. People in ConnectMyVariant can expect different experiences and services depending on how many others with the same variant they are connected with.
Sometimes, a group moves between levels quickly. Other times, someone may spend years without finding another person with their variant. Wherever your network is on this scale, ConnectMyVariant will support you in your disease prevention goals.

Level 1: One person has a unique variant
ConnectMyVariant can point you to resources to prevent disease and find others with the variant.
You can share your stories with relatives and encourage them to get screened for the variant. You can also build your family tree using genealogy tools, including genealogical genetic testing. You may find relatives that you did not know about before.
If you think that you have done everything, have you found all your aunts, uncles, and cousins? If some of your relatives said "No" to testing at first, have you tried again after a few months or years? Have you tried posting on social media to find others with your variant who you haven’t met yet.
ConnectMyVariant Family Outreach Navigators can help with each of these actions.
About 60% of people in ConnectMyVariant are in Level 1.